Monthly Archives: December 2008

File This Under Awesome

Saturday Night Live has done it again! By “again”, I mean make a brilliant pop “song” that is easily good enough to be an actual song, and one that somehow involves Justin Timberlake except it doesn’t involve him as much this time as the last time because he doesn’t actually sing or do much but just appear in the video.

Oh, whatever. Here it is:


The Daily Mail have also got into the act by having an article about the video. Without mentioning the title of the video. Or what it’s about. Or the main actors in it. Or anything else except that Justin’s in it, dressed as a janitor.

He’s in it for two seconds! I didn’t even notice him the first time I saw it! And they make a whole story out it?

It’s Monday! Video Time!

I cannot believe I have never seen this video before. It is all kinds of awesome. I’m not even going to begin to describe it, so I suggest you just shut up and watch it:


Although I would like to say that I feel that woman’s pain. I’m always being bothered by men in gold lame suits when I’m putting on my lipstick in nightclubs.

It’s Monday! Video Time!

I seem to have spent too much time in the “It’s Monday! Video Time!” segment of this show…er…blog showing normal 80s videos of people just standing there singing. So let’s go back…waaay back…to a land called “1983”. A land where people used those cool, really thin microphones. Where all drums where hexagonal. Where people had to live their lives permanently battling through the effects of smoke machines. – not to mention the awesome “stop footage and fade to white” editing. And where music videos told of a medival lady/beast/12-year-old boy love triangle. (Seriously, how young is that dude that saves her? Should I maybe call the police?)


Good song though, eh?