File this under “awesome…I think”.
The Office is due to be remade in Russia, in 24 half-hour episodes, in a deal made between a Russian television network and BBC Worldwide. The Russian version can follow its own plot.
In an exciting tidbit of information, BBC News reports:
No details of the new show’s cast have yet been announced.
There are rumours, however, that the main David Brent-role will be played by Christian Bale (because he’s in everything these days), Dawn by Charlize Theron, TIm by Brad Pitt and Gareth is to be played by Corey Feldman. That last one’s a little of the wall, you may think. Hey, the Russians are like that.
I kid, of course. If the cast had been announced, I’m not sure it’d actually be of any interest to any non-Russians. Nevermind. I look forward to watching it on BBC 4.