Seriously guys…what?

Yeah, it happens to me too. I go see a film and come out thinking “the music totally rocked!!” (for films often turn me into an American teenager from the 80s) and end up humming the best songs for the next few days before I cave in and buy the soundtrack.

One film that DIDN’T make me do any of the above is The Simpsons Movie. Not because it was a bad movie – it was generally so-so. There just wasn’t any music apart from the theme tune which I may well have already heard 2,058,349 times and don’t need to own. Oh yeah, and that silly Spider Pig song, ha ha…funny…for about 5 minutes.

Except that some like it a bit too much. This “song” is actually currently in the UK charts at number 23. Wha…?

Spider Pig

Hans Zimmer is credited as the song’s composer. I like him. He do Miami Vice.

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