Category Archives: It’s Monday!

It’s Monday!

It’s Monday! Video Time!

Ahh, Guns n Roses. Axl. Slash. The blonde dude. The other blonde dude. Someone other guy as well. Do you remember, back in the early 90s, when they were THE biggest band in the world?

But let’s go back a bit further in time to one of  their earlier songs, Paradise City. This is a typical rock video – “live” concert footage, the band messing around backstage, fans going crazy – and misbehaving – in the crowd. Examples of the crazy rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle – random hotel rooms, Concorde. And then, best of all, at 3 minutes 32 into the song, a British rock fan with what looks like a Tesco carrier bag.

*makes devil horn sign*


It’s Monday – Video Time!

To celebrate the start of a new week (groan…), how about a classic music video? What better than Stefan Dennis’s Don’t It Make You Feel Good? It does Stefan, it really does.


P.S. Doesn’t his singing sound like he thinks he’s in Phantom of the Opera, or something? A teeny bit theatrical!