Category Archives: It’s Monday!

It’s Monday!

It’s Monday! Video Time!

I can’t believe I don’t talk more about Rod Stewart on this blog.

Oh no, wait, sorry – I can believe it. Sorry, yes, I meant I can believe. (I always get confused between can and can’t…it gets me into a whole heap of trouble.)

Nevertheless, this is a good song:


Viewer’s note: Caution is advised when viewing the above video. it is EXTREMELY high-tech. You may not be prepared for some of the futuristic special effects in it; it may well blow your mind. Beware also of Rod’s excellent collection of vests.

It’s Monday! Video Time!

There are some songs in the world that make you go, “Hmm, yeah.” Some that make you go, “Argh, turn it off, it’s making my ears bleed!” And finally, some that make you go “OHMYGODILOVETHISSONGITISTHEBESTSONGEVERMADEIWOULDKILLFORTHISSONGBILLYIDOLISAGENIUS”*

This is one such song:


* Generally, to have this effect the song has to be by Billy Idol, though.

It’s Monday! Video Time!

The Top Gun soundtrack is pretty awesome…brilliant…very nearly the soundtrack to end all soundtracks. So here’s Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins from it. I like how the video is 50 times more heterosexual than the film.


P.S. They shouldn’t have killed Goose in the video either.

P.P.S. Sorry if I’ve ruined the film for you by revealing the above. Although everyone’s seen the movie so…nevermind.

P.P.P.S. No, I don’t know why Kenny Loggins is singing almost the entire song from his bed either.

It’s Monday! Video Time!

80s videos can’t always be about people standing around looking good, with great clothes, big hair and fantastic make-up. Sometimes they need a storyline too. A deep, dark, gut-wrenching, ever-so-slightly-seedy storyline. With great clothes, big hair and fantastic make-up. And preferably where everyone breaks out into dance.


It’s Monday! Video Time!

I often wonder why this video doesn’t get played more on TV. Sure, they may be over 20 years old, but:

– it has TWO Jaguars in it (the car, not the animal)
– it has a woman who not only writhes around on said vehicles, but also rides precariously hanging out the window of one of them
– it features pretty much the best hairstyle you will ever see
– the woman’s hair is nice too
– there’s snogging between a really hot guy and a totally average looking woman

I could go on, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise.
