Hmmm to the Amazon Kindle

Kindle has launched a “revolutionary” wireless electronic reading device…that looks like something from the 1980s, and which costs $399! I mean I’m big on retro stuff and love the 80s, but this is pushing it a bit far. In the same year that we’ve been given the gorgeous and sexy touch-screen iPhone, seen the Wii’s popularity grow out of all proportion, and get new technological advances left, right and centre, we get a gadget such as the Kindle come along.

It claims to have a a sharp, high-resolution screen that looks just real paper, thereby, I suppose, getting round the old eye-strain problem associated with computers. It says it has long battery life, downloads very fast and is light, and can store about 200 titles. Sure, it allows users to download books, newspapers and blogs wirelessly, with no connection charges…but you’ll still have to pay $9.99 per book or for a newspaper subscription.

I’m not convinced. Don’t most people like physically holding (and owning) books? Gripping the cover tight on a real page-turner? Lending them out to friends? All in all, what’s the point of the Kindle? Aside from saving on bookshelf space. Oh, and not fighting with big broadsheet newspapers on the train during a rush hour…

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